Warren Turnbull, FEC., P.ENG.
West Central Regional Councillor


1. Retired business executive with over 33 years of engineering and senior sales management experience
2. Team member or leader of many multi-disciplinary teams related to instrumentation, product, design, maintenance, marketing and sales.
3. Moved from successful assignments in engineering, customer technical and product development to senior marketing and sales roles at DuPont Canada Inc., Continental Group of Canada Ltd., Fabrene Inc., Flexia Corporation and Intertape Polymer Group.
Career Highlights:
1. Led sales team to increase sales from $85 to $106 million in mature business at Flexia
2. Designed and installed first supervisory control system at a DuPont Canada chemical plant
3. Grew Flexia sales of Triflex 30® in the US from essentially 0 to $12.3 million in under 4 years
4. Facilitated sale of Triflex 30® line to W. R. Grace for additional shareholder value over $13 million
5. On-time start-up of offsite control room and custody transfer metering Petrosar refinery
6. Led conversion to high performance, low cost lumber wrap resulting in 22 – 33% share increase at Flexia
7. Developed new all plastic lumber wrap at Fabrene that resulted in sales of $20 million in 1999
8. Designed sleeve for fiberglass insulation packaging that resulted in annual sales of $7 million for Fabrene
Education and Other Training:
1. Bachelor of Applied Science, Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo
2. Oliver Wight MRP II training
3. Facilitating teams
4. Executive Effectiveness, Unit I and Unit II
5. Managing the Sales Force
6. Value Based Pricing
7. Business Valuations
8. New Products: Selecting, Managing and Launching
9. Executive Communication Program
10. Accounting and Finance for Engineers
1. HCC83
a. Member Electric Vehicle Committee
b. Member and Chair Energy Conservation Committee – significant savings achieved to date (still active)
c. Member HVAC Piping Committee (recent)
2. Elected Regional Councillor in 2nd two-year term on Professional Engineers Ontario Council and as such have served in the following capacities:
a. OSPE Joint Relations Committee member
b. Vice Chair and Chair of the Chapter Leaders Conference Committee
c. Continuing Professional Development Task Force member
d. Member and Chair of the Volunteer Leaders Conference Planning Committee
e. Member of the Finance Committee
f. Member of the Discipline Committee
g. Chair of the Regional Councillors Committee
h. Chair of the Government Liaison Committee
i. Member of the Executive Committee
3. Events coordinator and Chair for 2 years of the PEO Oakville Chapter
4. Other
a. President 2 terms of the Glen Abbey Residents Association 1987 & 1990
b. Chair 1 term Town of Oakville, Group Homes Advisory Committee 1988 – 1989